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Muddy Gates Drainage Scheme – Bells Rd Culverts Completed

Updated: Sep 15, 2024

Verve Projects has been hard at work at the Orana Community for Balcon Group continuing to install much-needed drainage infrastructure that will benefit all adjoining estates. Last year marked a significant milestone as we commenced construction on the Muddy Gates Melbourne Water DSS project, featuring a 17-hectare wetland that services a catchment of over 400 hectares.

As part of this work, we have just completed the Bells Rd culverts which comprise 4x 1050mm diameter reinforced concrete pipes that are concrete encased to convey the 1% AEP. This multi-million-dollar asset is a crucial component of the scheme, providing an essential outfall for surrounding developments and connecting upstream catchments to the Muddy Gates Wetland (Practical Completion is expected in 2025).

In an impressive display of expertise, Symon Bros Construction successfully installed over 700 meters of concrete-encased RCPs in just under 10 weeks. Downstream GPTs were also carefully integrated into the system, ensuring enhanced water quality and a healthier Clyde North. Special shout as always to our partners Afflux on this piece of the jigsaw puzzle.


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