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First stage of construction for the Linear Park at Merrifield completed

Updated: Sep 17, 2024

Merrifield’s Linear Park spans 1.2 kilometres in length and will in the future service a local community of over 2000 dwellings. The nature of the site provides complex hydraulic and geotechnical issues which have led to a design response that substitutes a conventional constructed waterway with a solution that seeks to replicate the natural conditions whilst improving landscape amenity for the future community.


With years of planning, design and approvals, it is with great pleasure that we can announce that the first stage comprising the installation of the 1.2km twin 2400mm drainage system.


Together with our forward-thinking client MAB, Hume City, Melbourne Water, our fantastic design team comprising Afflux, WSP Golder and Realm Studios and with expert contractors Winslow Constructors and Jaydo, we’ve been able to complete the first stage of the works on time whilst also preparing to roll into the next stage of works which will include significant landscape works.  Verve Projects are grateful for the opportunity to lead this innovative project.


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